Nov 20, 2001 Print This Article

Second ProfTalk Internet Resource Is Available

The second Internet discussion of contemporary issues featuring Concordia Seminary, St. Louis professors, “ProfTalk,” is now available for listening online or free download through the Concordia Seminary Web site ( This 38-minute session, titled, “Should the Lutheran Church Have a Voice in the Public Square?”, features professors Charles Arand, Paul Robinson, Timothy Saleska, James Voelz and Richard Warneck.

Some of the questions addressed in the discussion include:

“How do Lutherans reconcile the mission that Christ gave the church to “make disciples” with the need to participate as citizens in a modern democracy?”;

“How, and under what conditions, should the church itself, as an institution in society, speak up publicly to address issues that affect both the common good of all people and Christians as they strive to be the light of the world?”; and,

“Should the church try to influence public policy, or just preach the Gospel?”

Prof. David Adams of the Seminary’s faculty serves as the moderator for ProfTalk and the audio files are available in Real Audio®, Windows Media® and QuickTime® formats.

The first ProfTalk considered the events of September 11 and featured Concordia Seminary faculty members Charles Arand, Paul Raabe, Paul Robinson, James Voelz and Richard Warneck. It remains available on the Seminary’s Web site for online listening or free download.

For more information, contact Seminary Relations, Concordia Seminary, 801 DeMun Ave., St. Louis, MO 63105; 314.505.7370; [email protected].