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Dear alums

Dear alums,

The short month of February — then Ash Wednesday and the workload of Lent. May the Father sustain you as you continue your regular duties, and may His Spirit give you eagerness as you prepare for Lent, giving you an obsession to minister the centrality of the Cross and empty tomb for your parishioners’ daily lives. The challenge, as I see it, as we plan for these seasons and sermons that can become routine is to present eternal truth in a way that resonates with the hearer’s daily life. “Ah, now I see how the Word applies to my weekday life. Thank you, pastor! Thank you, deaconess!” As the now sainted Rev. Arnold Kuntz said, “Life narrows down … and there in the narrow place stands Jesus.” May your quiet times this short month be communions with your Lord so that Lent leads all to Jesus!

Let us know how this newsletter, and Concordia Seminary in general, might try to help and encourage you.

Dr. Dale A. Meyer, President
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis

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