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Dear alums

Dear alums,

“‘Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.’ For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat” (Mark 6:31 ESV). You too have been busy this past year. We hope the summer gives you some down time, rest and renewal for body, soul and spirit.

This issue is filled with significant items, including the start of a new strategic planning process, a new book by Drs. Robert Kolb and Charles Arand, and recaps of things you might have missed.

Our grads are making a major life transition, from the campus cocoon to the world. Here they had daily associations with like-minded believers, time together in class, chapel, conversation, sports — literally as Bonhoeffer called it, “life together.” Now as they assume their calls, their classmates are miles and states away. Please welcome them and their families into your circuits and districts. As possible, walk with them: phone calls, lunches, encouraging notes and other ways of letting them know that there is a safe space for them to grow into their calling. Put yourself in their shoes. They’ve proven they can do the academic work, but there’s more to ministry. Their aspirations for many years are now going to be tested. Please welcome and walk with them!

Thank you, and blessings upon your summer!

Dr. Dale A. Meyer, President
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis

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