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Dear alums

Dear alums,

How wonderful the last days on campus! Some of you were here, and for you who weren’t, please know that the Theological Symposium and Alumni Reunion went very well. The first day of the symposium, I was down in my Sieck Hall office working with the door open while people were registering in the narthex. Animated conversations of greeting and catching up filled the air. That good spirit continued as participants heard many presentations on the symposium topic, “The Just Shall Live by Faith: The Reformation Word for Life Then and Now.” It was one of the best attended symposia in recent years. Look for some of the presentations online and in an upcoming Concordia Journal.

When the symposium was over, the Alumni Reunion began. Again, people holding each other dear and catching up on personal histories. This year the reunion was shifted from summer to September, and that enabled our students to interact with veterans of the cross and their spouses. Thanks to all the faculty and staff who worked countless hours in preparing for both of these events. My words are inadequate to the task of thanking our workers for their passion for this mission, which moves forward also through such other on-campus events.

In closing, we sang this in the service honoring our jubilarians (class of 1967), and it applies to all of you:

Pass in review, ambassador of Christ;
Pass in review, each sacrifice and prize;
Pass in review, the sowings of the Word,
Pass in review, the harvest gleaned and stored.

Servant of sinners, though yourself the same,
Partner in sorrow, yet with hope aflame,
Cheering the lonely, Gospeling the poor,
Leading your precious flock through Christ the Door.


Dr. Dale A. Meyer, President
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis

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