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Faculty books, articles published in 2016-17

Faculty members who wrote or contributed to books published during the past academic year were honored at an annual reception co-hosted by Concordia Publishing House May 16, 2017. The professors’ published prose explored the Reformation, Martin Luther and a variety of theological themes.

Honored were:

Dr. Joel Biermann, Waldemar A. and June Schuette
Professor of Systematic Theology: Wholly Citizens: God’s Two Realms and Christian Engagement with the World (Fortress, 2017)

Dr. Joel Elowsky, professor of Historical Theology:
“Early Alexandrian Theology as a Way of Life,” in A New History of African Christian Thought: From Cape to Cairo (Routledge, 2017); and Translations of Athanasius in the Africa Study Bible (Oasis International LTD, 2017)

Dr. Bruce Hartung, professor emeritus: Building Up the Body of Christ (Concordia Publishing House, 2016)

Dr. Robert Kolb, professor emeritus, international research:

  • The Oxford Handbook of Martin Luther’s Theology, edited by Robert Kolb, Irene Dingel and Lubomir Batka (Oxford: Oxford University Press, paperback version, 2016)
  • Martin Luther and the Enduring Word of God. The Wittenberg School and its Scripture-Centered Proclamation (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2016)
  • “Lutherbilder der Frühen Neuzeit,” in Luthermania. Ansichten einer Kultfigur, edited by Hole Rößler (Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, 2017), 25-46
  • “The Church,” in Reformation Theology, edited by Matthew Barrett (Wheaton: Crossway, 2017), 577-607
  • “The Lutheran Confessions: A Genre to Define the Church,” in Martin Luther and the Reformation. Essays, Catalog of the United States Exhibit of the State Office for Heritage Management and Archaeology Saxony-Anhalt et al. (Dresden: Sandstein, 2016), 350-358
  • “‘A Time of Shadows and Signs.’ Johann Gerhard’s Use of the Old Testament in Early Homiletical and Devotional Writings,” in Konfession, Politik und Gelehrsamkeit: Der Jenaer Theologe Johann Gerhard (1582-1637) im Kontext seiner Zeit, edited by Markus Friedrich, Sascha Salatowsky, Luise Schorn-Schütte (Stuttgart: Steiner, 2016), 147-162
  • “Memoria Melanchthonia 1560. The Public Presentation of Philip Melanchthon at his Death,” in Memoria – theologische Synthese – Autoritätenkonflikt. Die Rezeption Luthers und Melanchthons in der Schülergeneration, edited by Irene Dingel (Tübingen: Mohr/Siebeck, 2016), 89-102
  • “Martin Luther,” in T & T Clark Companion to the Doctrine of Sin, edited by Keith L. Johnson and David Lauber (London: Bloomsbury, 2016), 217-233
  • “Bibelauslegung in der Via Wittenbergensis. Die Volkshermeneutik von Johann Mathesius als Vertreter von Luthers Homiletik,” 255-269, and “Ars vivendi and ars dolendi. Mathesius’ Jesus Syrach Commentary as Catechetical Instruction,” 317-333, in Johannes Mathesius (1504-1565). Rezeption und Verbreitung der Wittenberger Reformation durch Predigt und Exegese, edited by Armin Kohnle and Irene Dingel (Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2017)

Dr. Robert Kolb with Dr. Charles Arand: The Way of Concord: From Historic Text to Contemporary Witness (Concordia Seminary Press, 2017)

Rev. Aurelio Magariño, guest instructor and Center for Hispanic Studies professor: Creación, Providencia, Y Misión: Un Enfoque Hispanoamericano Editorial (Concordia Publishing House, 2016)

Dr. Glenn Nielsen, director of Placement, director of Vicarage and Deaconess Internships and professor of Practical Theology: A Living Daring Confidence: A Worship Series on Romans CD (Creative Communications for the Parish, 2016)

Dr. Leopoldo A. Sánchez M., Werner R.H. and Elizabeth R. Krause Professor of Hispanic Ministries and director of the Center for Hispanic Studies:

  • “Sculpting Christ in Us: Public Faces of the Spirit in God’s World,” in Third Article Theology: A Pneumatological Dogmatics (Fortress, 2016)
  • “La Reforma desde una perspectiva luterana,” in Nuestras 95 Tesis: A 500 años de la Reforma, edited by Alberto L. García and Justo L. González (Orlando: AETH, 2016)
  • “The Reformation as Seen from a Lutheran Perspective,” in Our 95 Theses: 500 Years after the Reformation, edited by Alberto L. García and Justo L. González (Orlando: AETH, 2016)

Dr. David Schmitt, Gregg H. Benidt Memorial Professor of Homiletics and Literature: Man of God: Renewed for Life (CTA, 2017)

Dr. Mark Seifrid, professor of Exegetical Theology: “Answered Lament: Paul’s Gospel, Israel, and the Scriptures in Romans,” in Paulinische Schriftrezeption: Grundlagen – Ausprägungen – Wirkungen – Wertungen, edited by Florian Wilk and Markus Öhler (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2017)

The following faculty contributed to volumes with multiple authors:

The Annotated Luther, Volume 3: Church and Sacraments (Fortress, 2016)

  • Dr. Paul W. Robinson, interim provost, professor of Historical Theology and dean of the faculty: (Editor)
  • Dr. Erik Herrmann, associate professor of Historical Theology, chairman of the Department of Historical Theology and director of the Center for Reformation Research: “The Babylonian Captivity of the Church”

The Babylonian Captivity of the Church, 1520: The Annotated Luther, Study Edition (Fortress, 2016)

  • Dr. Paul W. Robinson: (Editor)
  • Dr. Erik Herrmann

The Annotated Luther, Volume 4: Pastoral Writings (Fortress, 2016)

  • Dr. Erik Herrmann: “Preface to the Wittenberg Edition of Luther’s German Writings, 1539”
  • Dr. Robert Kolb: “Preface to the Latin Works, 1545”

Lives & Writings of the Great Fathers of the Lutheran Church, edited by Timothy Schmeling (Concordia Publishing House, 2016)

  • Dr. Robert Kolb: “Introduction”
  • Dr. Timothy Dost, associate professor of Historical Theology: “Johann Conrad Dannhauer (1603-66) Proclamation, Polemics, and the Christian Life”
  • Dr. Gerhard Bode, associate professor of Historical Theology, dean of Advanced Studies and archivist: “Conrad Dieterich (1575-1639) Teaching the Christian Faith and Life”

Ethics of Sex: From Taboo to Delight (Concordia Publishing House, 2017)

  • Dr. Robert Weise, professor emeritus: “Transgender Identity in Light of Biblical Identity”

For more information, contact Theological Research and Publication at 314-505-7117.

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