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New Bible study explores Reformation’s biblical foundations

In celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation this year, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis [1] has developed a Bible study in conjunction with a thought-provoking documentary on how the Reformation continues to impact religion, politics and most aspects of the modern world.

“500: The Impact of the Reformation Today — Biblical Foundations” [2] is a five-part Bible study by Dr. Timothy P. Dost [3], associate professor of historical theology at the Seminary. Groups are encouraged to use the Bible study as a companion to the Seminary’s“500: The Impact of the Reformation Today,” [2] the documentary featuring some of the world’s greatest scholars on Martin Luther.

The Bible study focus, Dost explains, “is not on what passages the reformers took to heart as they did their work, but rather on the ways in which the early church and the people of the Old Testament reflected the same sorts of values, providing a solid foundation for the Reformation that was later to arise.”

Topics explored in the Bible study include the Reformation teaching that lay Christians also have important vocational standing before God — one no less important than that of called clergy — and how the Reformation helped spread the truth of God’s Word in the most effective manner possible, leading to a laity better equipped to understand the Word of God and more resistant to superstitions.

Learn more and download the free Bible study here [2].

For more information about the documentary and other Reformation resources from the Seminary, visit reformation500.csl.edu/ [4].

About Concordia Seminary
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) [5]. To learn more, visit www.csl.edu [1].

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