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Dear alumni

I’ve been a vacancy pastor many times and now am honored to help out with Ken Klaus on The Lutheran Hour. I hope two recent emails from listeners will affirm your faith and public ministry.

Several listeners were concerned when I said you could lose your faith. So many people are afraid these days of so many things and for real reasons. The last thing these listeners want to lose is their faith. It reminds me – us – that people need from us the great assurance of Jesus’ ever-open arms. “Whoever comes to me I will never cast out” (John 6:37). Thank you for making that great Gospel predominate.

We need it as well. Another listener wrote, “Far as I’ve seen, pastors rarely confess anything. And if they do, it seems to be so light, not even coming close to the things the people are themselves unsure of.” People, especially younger people, value transparency. Aristotle recognized it as important in communicating successfully. Living head and heart in reverent fear and love of God is a wonderful witness to the people we serve. Thank you.

Jesus came, Jesus comes and Jesus will come again. Happy Thanksgiving and a blessed Advent!

Dr. Dale A. Meyer, President
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis

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