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Preachers soccer recap

Concordia Seminary’s Preachers soccer team enjoyed a successful season culminating in winning two coveted cups. The first victory occurred Sept. 28 in a game against Covenant Theological Seminary for the WittenEva Cup. This cup represents the two seminaries’ historical traditions that arose from Wittenberg and Geneva respectively. The Preachers also won the Nicea Cup against Kenrick-Glennon Seminary. The Preachers have won this cup three out of the last four years. Matches against local colleges were very competitive, with scores of 0-1 and 1-3. The Preachers lost to St. Louis College of Pharmacy and tied with a skillful team from Logan Chiropractic College. Two low-key matches against the Yellow Mosquitos club team gave the Preachers the opportunity to prepare for the cup matches. The last match of the season was Oct. 26 against Covenant Theological Seminary.

The Preachers enjoyed having 36 players this year. Rev. Kou Seying, the Lutheran Foundation Professor of Urban and Cross-Cultural Ministry, coaches the Preachers soccer team with assistance from Fresh Ideas’ Tony Ralphs.

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