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Sem wives encourage one another

On March 23, Women’s Coordinator Katie Nafzger and Specific Ministry Pastor Program Student Wives Coordinator Celina Haupt began placing books from Concordia Publishing House on the steps of the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus for the wives of our seminarians who are on campus during the coronavirus pandemic. “God’s timing was perfect in this,” Celina shared. “Giving these books to each gal here allows us to connect with each other using God’s Word. So even though we can’t physically be present, we can read Scripture and then discuss and pray using a virtual format.” During the first day of the distribution, the women gave out 34 books. “Women were so appreciative as we all need to be reminded of the hope of Jesus during these difficult times,” she said.

As a precaution, the two women used gloves to place the books outside of the chapel. Additional books were made available later in the week. “The selections from The Enduring Word Bible include the Psalms and all four Gospels,” Katie added. “They include lines for journaling and some black-line, visual art that can be colored. It’s a great resource. We suggested a simple, daily reading plan (one psalm, starting with the 23rd, and one chapter of John) for any gals who want to read ‘together.’ Our intention is to check in once a week. Hopefully, ladies will share their thoughts and insights, be encouraged and feel closer to each other even as we keep our distance. It was really encouraging to see the volumes disappearing by the hour! I think everyone is pleased to have a tangible way to lean on God and each other.”

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