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Ministerial formation students receive calls

Students representing a cross section of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis’ ministerial formation programs received calls Friday, Nov. 5, in the Chapel of St. Timothy and Titus. They are:

Center for Hispanic Studies CHS) Program [1]

  • José Argueta, placement pending
  • Ruberto Ek Yah, call pending to Trinity Lutheran Church, Portland, Ore., LCMS Northwest District
  • Eduardo Martínez, Iglesia Luterana Esperanza Viva, Orlando, Fla., LCMS Florida-Georgia District
  • Jesús Morales, placement pending
  • Sergio Vargas, placement pending

Ethnic Institute of Theology (EIIT) Program [2]

  • Paul Chuol, St. John’s Lutheran Church, Salt Lake City, Utah, LCMS Rocky Mountain District

Master of Divinity (M.Div.) Program [3]

  • John Karolus, Shepherd of the Desert Lutheran Church, Scottsdale, Ariz., LCMS Pacific Southwest District

Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) Program [4]

  • Cyril Loum, Faith Lutheran Church, St. Louis, Mo., LCMS Missouri District

“We need pastors who can serve in many different situations and places because our country has become so diverse. To place students in these different ministerial formation programs demonstrates Concordia Seminary’s commitment to bringing Jesus to wherever and whoever people may be,” said Dr. Glenn Nielsen [5], professor of Practical Theology and director of Placement. “These men have shown exceptional commitment to complete these programs, and we rejoice as they enter the pastoral office to serve our Lord and the people entrusted to them.”

The Seminary recognizes and celebrates calls throughout the year for students enrolled in its various programs; however, its primary Call Day is held annually in the spring. Call Day is set for April 26, 2022 [6].

About Concordia Seminary

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) [7]. To learn more, visit csl.edu [8].

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