placement of M.Div. students in 2024

Master of Divinity (M.Div.)
In keeping with the major function of Concordia Seminary to equip men for the Holy Ministry of Word and Sacrament in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) degree is the normative route to certification for ordained ministry in congregations and other ministry settings.
states received new pastors in 2024

Admissions Standards
Admission to the M.Div. program ordinarily requires that the applicant be a member of a congregation of The LCMS or of a church body in fellowship with the Synod. An applicant is to have been involved actively as a communicant member in a Lutheran congregation for not less than two years prior to enrollment.
College Preparation
Applicants to the M.Div. program at Concordia Seminary ordinarily must possess a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university, with a cumulative grade-point average of 2.5 or higher (on a 4.0 scale). The degree should represent a broad liberal arts background and must include courses in English composition and writing and speech. It also should include courses in the humanities, psychology, social sciences, natural sciences, foreign languages and religion.
Pre-Seminary Preparation
The Concordia University System conducts pre-seminary programs that offer sound preparation for theological study at the post-baccalaureate level. The pre-seminary curriculum “encompasses biblical knowledge, biblical language competency and understanding of Lutheran doctrine; competency in communication skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening; skills in critical thinking and philosophical inquiry; acquisition of a global perspective; … understanding of and appreciation for the Lutheran ethos, identity and ethic; and helping the student to perceive, proclaim, teach and live out the centrality of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the whole of life” (Concordia University System Pre-Seminary Mission Statement). Accordingly, Concordia Seminary strongly supports and encourages these programs as a preferred route to pre-seminary preparation.
For more information, review the Academic Catalog and Entry Level Competency Exam requirements.
The M.Div. curriculum is designed so that it can be completed in four years (three years of academic residence, one year of vicarage). Competency in Bible content and Christian doctrine must be demonstrated before enrolling in any other courses.
Master of Divinity (M.Div.) Credit Distribution
PRA506 Introduction to Pastoral Ministry | 3 hours |
Personal and Pastoral Formation Labs | 3 hours |
Residential Field Education (noncredit) | |
Vicarage | 7.5 hours |
EXE507 Interpreting and Communicating the Word | 3 hours |
EXE522 Synoptic Gospels | 2.5 hours |
EXE525 Pauline Epistles | 2.5 hours |
EXE508 Old Testament I | 2.5 hours |
EXE509 Old Testament II | 2.5 hours |
EXE510 Old Testament III | 2.5 hours |
EXE528 Gospel of John | 2.5 hours |
EXE5031-EXE5036 OT and NT Reading Labs | 6 hours |
Greek* | 6 hours |
Hebrew | 5 hours |
*Greek is only offered as a Summer Term course and should be taken during the Summer Term before Year 1.
PRA507 The Pastor and Church in Mission | 1.5 hours |
PRA511 Homiletics | 3 hours |
PRA512 Worship and the Word | 3 hours |
PRA513 Teaching the Faith | 3 hours |
PRA514 Pastoral Care and the Word | 3 hours |
PRA515 Reading and Preaching the Word | 3 hours |
PRA516 Introduction to Pastoral Leadership | 2 hours |
PRA517 Pastoral Leadership and Theology | 3 hours |
PRA52X Post-vicarage preaching elective | 1.5 hours |
HIS507 Introduction to Historical Theology | 3 hours |
HIS508 The Reformation and the Lutheran Church | 3 hours |
HIS5XX Historical elective | 1.5 hours |
HIS5XX Historical elective | 1.5 hours |
HIS559 Historical Lutheranism in America | 3 hours |
SYS507 Introduction to Systematic Theology | 3 hours |
SYS511 Creeds and Confessions | 3 hours |
SYS512 Systematics I | 3 hours |
SYS513 Church and World | 3 hours |
SYS514 Systematics II | 1.5 hours |
Credit Distribution
Please see Pages 30-33 of the Academic Catalog.
Resident Field Education
The Resident Field Education program consists of:
- pre-vicarage and post-vicarage congregational field education
- institutional field education
- cross-cultural field education
- evangelism (during vicarage experience)
- course-related work
Congregational field education begins with assignment by the director of Resident Field Education to a congregation in the St. Louis area. The student is placed under the supervision of the pastor of that particular congregation. The program is designed to give the student experience with the role and functions of the pastor of a congregation.
During his first year of studies, the student completes the institutional and cross-cultural modules of Resident Field Education, being assigned to a specific module for a term. Each module requires approximately half of the student’s field education time. The student will maintain as much Sunday contact as possible with his field education congregation.
Resident Field Education normally should involve a maximum of eight hours per week for first-year students and 10 hours per week for second-year and post-vicarage students. Participation is limited to Sunday morning and an average of one other time period per week.
Orientation seminars for the various modules are conducted at the beginning of the academic year. Time spent in Orientation counts toward meeting Resident Field Education time requirements. Field education also is correlated with courses such as PRA506 Introduction to Pastoral Ministry, PRA507 Introduction to Practical Theology, PRA512 Worship and the Word and PRA511 Homiletics.
For more information, contact the Residential Field Education office at 314-505-7113 or [email protected].
A vicarage “is required of all Seminary students before graduation, ordinarily in the second year before graduation” (2016 Handbook of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, Bylaw 2.8.1 d)
The vicarage consists of one year (12 months) of in-service education, normally in a parish situation. The Evangelism Module of Resident Field Education takes place during the vicarage year. To begin vicarage, a student must have taken all the courses that are specific pre-vicarage requirements, and a minimum cumulative curriculum GPA of 2.35 is required to receive a vicarage assignment.
Vicars are considered students at Concordia Seminary during the course of the vicarage. Periodic reports are made by the student and the supervising pastor to the Director of Vicarage and Deaconess Internships. A total of 7.5 credit hours is granted to the student upon successful completion of the vicarage.