Tribute Gift Opportunities
Tribute gifts enable you to make contributions in honor or in memory of someone special to you. When you make a tribute gift of any size, we will send a gift notification to whomever you designate, while keeping the amount of your gift confidential.
You can also use your tribute gift to create a named endowed fund or contribute to one that’s already been set up. To create a named endowed fund, the gift minimum is $25,000. This fund can be designated for operations (where needed most) or for a specific program.
To make a tribute gift online, please visit our giving page. Enter the amount and select the designation. The tribute and notification information will be entered at the end of the form.
Your gift to Concordia Seminary in honor or memory of a special person ensures their legacy in the Seminary’s ongoing mission of preparing church leaders who will proclaim the Gospel for generations to come.
Here is sample wording for including memorial gifts in an obituary:
Memorial contributions may be made to Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Please direct your gift to (fund or designation) in memory of (name). Gifts may be made online at csl.edu/give, by phone at 800-822-5287 or by mail: Concordia Seminary, Attn. Seminary Advancement, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO 63105