Center for the Care of Creation
The Center for the Care of Creation exists to promote a deep appreciation of creation among Christian congregations by bringing biblical theology to bear on cultural issues related to our life in and care for creation so that congregations can better engage their communities for the sake of Gospel and the new creation.
This institute intends to offer a Christian perspective for addressing questions raised by the wider culture about our life in creation by:
- Exploring a theology of creation as revealed in Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions
- Developing Bible studies, seminars, course work, workshops, worship materials and consulting opportunities
- Encouraging engagement with local communities through caring for creation
- Serving as a resource to our LCMS church body and making connections outside our church body
- Bringing together the different disciplines of theology, science, literature, art, ethics and political science
- Helping the Seminary provide an example to the church, the community and the world by caring for God’s good creation
- Cultivating relationships with other Christians and Christian groups to encourage all Christians to respond to God’s call that we care for His creation
These goals can be achieved when the center works together for the betterment of creation with other Concordia University System schools, local Lutheran and non-Lutheran schools, other local seminaries, universities and the communities in which we live, by teaching what it means to show “Christian care” in creation.