students received calls at the 2023 Call Service.
The placement process begins from the first day pastoral and deaconess candidates arrive at Concordia Seminary. Early on, they learn they are to be God’s gifts to His church, and that the formation process will ultimately lead to their service to Jesus Christ wherever He places them in His family of faith.
There is an orderly, intentional and deeply spiritual process in place for providing workers for the Lord’s harvest field.
To initiate this process, congregations must first contact their district president. For most of our programs, see the five-step placement process document below. For information about the call process for the Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) candidates, visit the SMP Program page.
students received calls at the 2023 Call Service.
students received assignments at the Vicarage and Internship Service.
Total calls, vicarages and deaconess internships in 2022-23
The LCMS Missouri District received the most calls, and vicarage/internship assignments with 28.