We are excited to announce an opportunity for current pastors to participate in a sample Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) class. This class will be over two days and can be completed from the comfort of your home or office via Zoom. All participants will receive a copy of the book, “The Beautiful Sermon” by Dr. Dean Nadasdy (Concordia Seminary Press), on which the class will be based. We encourage all interested pastors to take advantage of this valuable learning opportunity to discover more about the Seminary’s online D.Min. Program. Please register by Sept. 30.
Session 1 – Oct. 4, 10:15 a.m.
Topic: “Preaching and the Literary Arts” by Dr. David Schmitt, Professor of Practical Theology
Session 2 – Oct. 8, 10:15 a.m.
Topic: “Preaching and the Visual Arts” by Dr. Peter Nafzger, Associate Professor of Practical Theology