May 22, 2000 Print This Article

Rev. Groll Receives Honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree

Rev. Douglas R. Groll, director of the Hispanic Institute of Theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, was awarded an honorary doctor of divinity degree by Concordia University, Irvine, Calif. The degree was conferred at Concordia University’s May 6, 2000 commencement.

Groll is a graduate of Concordia College, St. Paul, Minn. and Concordia Senior College, Fort Wayne, Ind. He received his master of divinity degree from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, in 1966.

Following Seminary graduation, Groll began 12 years of ministry in Venezuela as a missionary pastor, educator, and church administrator. His service included Word and Sacrament parish ministry, participation in the Lutheran Church of Venezuela’s first theological education by extension program, administration of the Concordia Primary and Secondary School and president of the Lutheran Church of Venezuela.

After his return to the United States in 1978, Groll served as pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Cleveland, Ohio, and was the administrator of Lutheran Urban Community Ministry, a congregation-based crisis ministry.

Since 1987, Groll has served as director of the Hispanic Institute of Theology, operated by Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. The Institute is designed especially to prepare Hispanics to work as pastors and lay leaders in The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. The Institute combines residential and extension course work to provide a flexible, effective means of theological instruction.

“Dr Groll is an exemplary missionary pastor, teacher and leader in ministry within the Hispanic communities,” commented Dr. Andrew Bartelt, vice president for academic affairs at Concordia Seminary. “We give thanks to God for Dr. Groll’s service and especially for his important work in theological education through our Hispanic Institute of Theology, which has been a pioneer in extension education in our church.”

Those interested in more information on the Hispanic Institute of Theology are encouraged to contact Hispanic Institute of Theology, 501 W. North Ave, Suite 407, Melrose Park, IL 60160. A web site for the Hispanic Institute of Theology is also accessible at