Nov 17, 2005 Print This Article

Hymn Competition Winners Acknowledged

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, is pleased to announce the 2005 winners in the Pamela Anne Prevallet Memorial Fund Annual Hymn Competition. The competition was created in June 2000 by Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Prevallet in remembrance of their daughter. It serves to foster the creation of new liturgical hymns of the highest caliber for the church.

Seminarian Brian Davies was the first-place winner of the competition. He wrote the hymn “Once High Upon the Mountain.” The hymn “Who May Ascend His Holy Hill,” composed by seminarian Jonathan Petering, received the second-place award. Third place was awarded to seminarian Christopher Ahlman for his hymn, “Here, Lord, in This Troubled Time.” The winning hymn and winning hymns from previous years will be made available on the Concordia Seminary Web site (

The annual hymn competition is open to students of Concordia Seminary who are serving their vicarage as part of their preparation to serve in the pastoral ministry. “It is good to foster hymn writing as a pastoral activity already when pastors are being formed,” commented Dr. James Brauer, professor of practical theology and dean of the chapel at Concordia Seminary. “It could yield some good, new resources for ministry over the years.”

The Pamela Anne Prevallet Memorial Fund at Concordia Seminary holds the copyright to the texts of the winning hymns. The use of these hymns in congregations is encouraged.