May 03, 2006 Print This Article

Call and Vicarage Service Video Available on Concordia Seminary Web Site

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis is pleased to announce that archived video of its April 25 “Call Day” worship services is available for viewing on its Web site ( During these worship services, spring placement of pastor and deaconess candidates took place and pastoral vicarage and deaconess internship assignments were issued.

“We are pleased to be able to provide the archived video of these services on our Web site,” commented Rev. Glen Thomas, vice president for seminary relations at Concordia Seminary. “I received several messages from relatives of students who were not able to watch our webcast and we want to be able to provide this opportunity for them. It was a great day for the church, for our Seminary community, and especially for these students and their families. We hope many who were unable to view the video on April 25 will be able to watch it now, and we expect that many others who did watch it will want to see it again.”

The live video webcast of the services on April 25 marked a first for the Seminary which had webcast only audio of the services in prior years. The Seminary’s 1,100-seat Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus was filled to capacity for both services, with some worshipers standing outside the chapel doors. An additional 550 computers were connected to the webcast of the vicarage service, and 700 computers were connected to the webcast of the call service.

On April 25, calls to serve as pastors in The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS) were issued to 112 students at Concordia Seminary. In addition, 158 students received assignments to serve as vicars. Vicarage is a one-year internship that students preparing to serve in the pastoral ministry must complete.

Of the 112 Concordia Seminary students called to serve as pastors in the LCMS,two are from the Seminary’s Hispanic Institute of Theology. One student is from the Cross-Cultural Ministry Center and has a call pending. Of the 158 students who received vicarage assignments, 15 are from the Seminary’s Ethnic Immigrant Institute of Theology, and one is from the Seminary’s Deaf Institute of Theology (DIT). This is the first student from the DIT to receive an assignment.

The pastoral calls included one to serve in a mission field outside of the continental United States in Asia. One of the vicarage assignments was to serve in Panama. Both were arranged through the LCMS World Mission.

Concordia Seminary also celebrated the presentation of four deaconess students to the LCMS for placement, one of which was arranged through the LCMS World Mission for work inPanama. Four deaconess students, ready for assignments, have placements in process that should be completed soon. Additionally, two deaconess students were assigned internships. The deaconess program at Concordia Seminary began in the fall of 2002.

A complete listing of the calls and vicarages issued is available on the Seminary’s Web site at