Jun 15, 2017 Print This Article

Final Bach at the Sem concert for the year held

Bach at the Sem

The final Bach at the Sem concert of the 2016-17 series was held May 7 in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus. The concert featured three complete cantatas: BWV 6, Bleib’ bei uns, denn es will Abend werden; BWV 104, Du Hirte Israel, höre!; and BWV 42, Am Abend aber desselbigen Sabbats.

The final concert marked a transition for the Bach series. Next year’s musical offerings will take a different form, presenting in various formats the influence and legacy of J.S. Bach along with other musicians whose combination of Word and music have proclaimed Christ.

“An indescribable debt of gratitude goes to those whose vision conceived Bach at the Sem and whose gifts made the series possible for so many years,” said Concordia Seminary President Dr. Dale A. Meyer. “To the musicians who performed from their hearts, the American Kantorei and the leaders among them, we express deepest appreciation for their sacrifices of time and labors of love. And to the music directors, especially the sainted Robert Bergt and more recently and wonderfully Maurice Boyer, I express the gratitude of the Seminary community. They all brought together a series that has been a profound blessing to many hearts and lives over the years.”

To see a photo album from the concert, visit Bach at the Sem on Facebook here.