Regent Awards
Regent Awards are available to students who demonstrate the greatest potential, based on recommendations, academic record, church and community involvement, demonstrated leadership, and faculty interviews. Members of each incoming class in the M.Div. and RAR programs may compete for the following awards.

Members of each incoming class in the Master of Divinity and Residential Alternate Route programs may be eligible for the following awards. Criteria for consideration of these awards include a superlative academic record, recommendations, faculty interviews and demonstrated church and community involvement.
The Martin Scharlemann Award and Robert Kolb Award. Two awards will be made that include full tuition for the program including prerequisite biblical languages and the Vicarage year. Recipients will also receive a cash stipend of $4,500, paid monthly throughout the academic year for 3 residential years. These prestigious awards replace the Named Scholarships, Adopt-A-Student, and other Merit/Incentive Awards in the M.Div. and RAR financial aid policy. In the event these types of aid are unavoidably credited to a student, the award will be reduced by a like amount.
Aid from the home LCMS district, home congregation and other outside scholarships are the students to keep and may be used however he wishes.
The Timothy and Titus Award and Barnabus Award. Two awards will be made that include full tuition for the program, including prerequisite biblical languages and the Vicarage year. These prestigious awards replace the Named Scholarships, Adopt-A-Student, and other Merit/Incentive Awards in the M.Div. and RAR financial aid policy. In the event these types of aid are unavoidably credited to a student, the grant will be reduced by a like amount.
Aid from the home LCMS district, home congregation and other outside scholarships are the students to keep and may be used however he wishes.
The Provost Award. Four grants will be awarded to finalists who competed for, but were not awarded, the previously described Scharlemann, Kolb, Timothy and Titus, or Barnabus Awards. Recipients will receive a merit award in the amount of $1,000 that is beyond tuition for 3 residential years.
Other Financial Aid Opportunities
We encourage students to apply to independent foundations that support ministerial and theological education through the distribution of grants and scholarships.
Concordia University System Scholarship
The Concordia University System Scholarship provides financial aid opportunities for incoming students who graduate from the universities of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (CUS) and who have applied to a program in Ministerial Formation at Concordia Seminary.
LCMS District Support
LCMS districts may provide financial support for Seminary students who are members of LCMS congregations. Learn more from your home congregation’s LCMS district.
Veterans and Active-Duty Military
Concordia Seminary participates in programs offered through the Veterans Administration (VA) as well as through the Department of Defense (DoD) to ensure that our veterans, active-duty military and members of the reserves receive benefits that they are entitled to through their service.
Student Loans
Post-baccalaureate students are eligible for unsubsidized loans only. The federal direct unsubsidized loan program is not need-based and provides loans based on the student’s total cost of attendance and anticipated financial assistance.