2025-26 Scholarships
Multiple Deadlines
Champions for Christ Scholarship
Amount: To be determined- Deadline: Multiple deadlines (see website)
- Must be studying to enter full-time Christian ministry
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February Deadlines
Dora Maclellan Brown Ministry Scholarship
Amount: To be determined- Deadline: February 17
- Resident of the greater Chattanooga, Tenn., area
- Seeking a master’s degree at a theological seminary or graduate school approved by The Generosity Trust
- Theologically and biblically conservative
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Mary E. Bivins Foundation Ministry Scholarship
Amount: $5,000 per semester- Deadline: February 28
- Resident of one of the northernmost counties of the Texas panhandle and citizen of the United States
- Intending to serve as pulpit pastor upon graduation
- Minimum undergraduate GPA of 2.75 or graduate GPA of 3.0
- Must enroll in and pass nine credit hours each semester
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Juliette M. Atherton Scholarship – Seminary Studies
Amount: average of $2,500- Deadline: February 28
- Resident of Hawaii
- Attending an accredited graduate school of theology
- Desire to be ordained in an established Protestant denomination
- Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.7
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March Deadlines
Ella B. Pelz Pastoral Endowment Fund
Amount: To be determined- Deadline: March 1
- M.Div. or Residential Alternate Route (RAR) student
- Second-year or later student
- Must demonstrate a strict, active commitment to traditional confessional Lutheran doctrine, as drawn from the Holy Bible by the Lutheran Confessions as contained in the Book of Concord and the historic Lutheran liturgy
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Indiana District LWML Scholarship
Amount: $750- Deadline: March 11
- Communicant member of a congregation in the Indiana District
- Attending an LCMS college or university with approved enrollment
- Download application.
The Donald F. Hinchey Scholarship
Amount varies- Deadline: March 15
- Young men and women who feel the calling to pursue training as Lutheran pastors, Directors of Christian Education, educators, deaconesses or other church ministries may apply
- Scholarship awards are for one year, but may be renewed annually
- Download application.
Trinity Lutheran Foundation Scholarship
Amount: To be determined- Deadline: March 15
- Member of an LCMS church from the 007: Grand Island Circuit of Nebraska
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Island Lutheran Church Endowment Fund
Amount: To be determined- Deadline: March 31
- Write a short essay that describes the role of your faith in your life
- Download application.
Myron J. Walker Scholarship
Amount: To be determined- Deadline: March 31
- Resident of Iowa
- Pursuing a career in the ministry
- Selection is based on academic excellence, overall fitness for the profession and financial need
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Wyoming District LWML Scholarship
Amount: To be determined- Deadline: March 31
- Member of the Wyoming District
- Attending an LCMS Synodical school studying for full time church work
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April Deadlines
Beta Sigma Psi Alumni Seminarian Scholarship
Amount: $1,000- Deadline: April 1
- Alumni of fraternity studying to become Lutheran pastor
- Applicant must be current in any payments owed to chapter or national fraternity
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Marguerite Young Endowment Fund
Amount: Average of $1,500- Deadline: April 1
- Attend a Protestant seminary as a M.Div. student, preparing for full-time ministry
- Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0
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St. John’s College Alumni Association
Amount: To be determined- Deadline: April 1
- Direct descendant of alumni or former faculty and staff of St. John’s College in Winfield, Kan.
- Enrolled full-time at an LCMS-affiliated school
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The Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church of North Minneapolis Scholarship
Amount: $5,000-$9,000- Deadline: April 1
- Member of a congregation of the LCMS Minnesota South District
- Pursuing a career in professional or lay ministry
- Full-time student
- Minimum GPA of 2.5
- Demonstrated financial need
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William J. Wolf Memorial Scholarship Fund
Amount: $16,000- Deadline: April 1
- Resident of Allegheny County, Pa.
- Member of the Lutheran denomination
- Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0
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Gil and Blondie Vogt Scholarship
Amount: To be determined- Deadline: April 15
- Resident of Nebraska
- Member of an LCMS church
- Desire educational training to pursue an LCMS-related vocation
- Attending a seminary associated with the LCMS
- Demonstrated financial need
- Apply by email expressing interest and showing qualifications to: [email protected]
Missouri District LWML Scholarship
Amount: To be determined- Deadline: April 15
- Communicant member of an LCMS congregation in the state of Missouri one year prior to application
- Working toward a degree that leads to a career in church work
- Enrolled full-time at an LCMS-affiliated school
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American Legion – Commander’s Scholarship
Amount: $1,000- Deadline: April 20
- Resident of the state of Missouri
- Honorable discharge from the U.S. Armed Services with at least 90 days of service
- Full-time student at an accredited institution in the state of Missouri
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Biermann Memorial Scholarship
Amount: To be determined- Deadline: April 30
- Member of an LCMS church in the state of Missouri
- Working toward a degree in church work
- Students going on vicarage/internship year not eligible
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May Deadlines
Florida-Georgia District LWML Scholarship
Amount: To be determined- Deadline: May 1
- Must be member of a congregation of the FL-GA, SELC, or English District in the states of Florida or Georgia
- Enrolled full time in a rostered church worker program
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Nebraska South District LWML Scholarship
Amount: $1,000- Deadline: May 1
- Resident of the Nebraska South District
- Enrolled full time at a synodically affiliated school or enrolled in synod’s SMP program
- Must plan to be in full-time professional service for the church upon completion of studies
- Selection based on academic achievement, leadership, church involvement and financial need
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Bethesda Auxiliary Scholarship
Amount: $3,000- Deadline: May 10
- Active, communicant member of a Lutheran congregation
- Commitment to inclusion of persons with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities in the local parish
- First, second or third year (non-vicarage/internship) students may apply
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The Bill Raskob Foundation Scholarship
Amount: To be determined- Deadline: May 15
- This scholarship is a interest free loan that may be applied to your non-tuition expenses
- Must be an American citizen
- Enrolled in an accredited institution and taking actual coursework (no thesis, dissertation, vicarage/internship, etc.)
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The Rev. David V. and Judith Dissen Excellence in the Study of the Lutheran Confessions Scholarship Fund
Amount: To be determined- Deadline: May 15
- M.Div. or RAR student
- Second-year or later student
- Minimum GPA of 3.5
- Demonstrate a “quia” subscription to the Lutheran Confessions
- Confess that Holy Scripture is the “norma Normans” of our Christian doctrine, faith and life, and that the Holy Scriptures are indeed inspired, inerrant and infallible
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Barber Scholarship
Amount: $500- Deadline: May 31
- Students from the Iroquois West School District of Illinois
- Pursuing full-time work in the church
- Application can be requested at [email protected]. Request must include complete mailing address, as applications will be sent via postal mail.
Justin and Sara Haruyama Ministerial Scholarship
Amount: To be determined- Deadline: May 31
- Full-time student attending an accredited Protestant seminary in the United States
- Japanese ancestry
- Preparing for a ministerial degree intending to serve Japanese American congregations or other church related ministries
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Our Savior Lutheran Church Seminary Scholarship
Amount: To be determined- Deadline: May 31
- Full-time M.Div. student
- Second or fourth year student
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June Deadlines
Kansas District LLL Scholarship
Amount: To be determined- Deadline: June 1
- Kansas District students preparing for careers in full-time church work
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Kansas District LWML Scholarship
Amount: To be determined- Deadline: June 1
- Kansas District students preparing for careers in full-time church work
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Toledo Lutheran Bowling League Scholarship
Amount: To be determined- Deadline: June 1
- From the Toledo, Ohio area (approx. 50-mile radius)
- M.Div. or Residential Alternate Route (RAR) student
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Wampner-Hoffmyer Scholarship
Amount: To be determined- Deadline: June 1
- This scholarship is a “forgivable” loan that may be applied to your non-tuition expenses
- Resident of the Indiana District of the LCMS, three years prior to entering the Seminary
- Enrolled in an educational program to become a pastor
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W. B. Small Trust
Amount: $4,000- Deadline: June 1
- Full-time M.Div. student at an accredited seminary
- Must have lived or currently live in Iowa
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Veterans & Military Family Scholarship
Amount: $1,000- Deadline: June 15
- Must be currently serving in the military, honorably discharged, or have an active duty or retired military spouse or parent
- Minimum GPA of 3.0
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July Deadlines
Siebert Lutheran Foundation
Amount: To be determined- Deadline: July 1
- Alternate Route (residential), EIIT, SMP or SMP-GPC student
- Member of a Lutheran congregation in the state of Wisconsin
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August Deadlines
California-Nevada-Hawaii (CNH) District LLL Scholarship
Amount: To be determined- Deadline: August 1
- Communicant member of a congregation in the CNH District
- Preparing to enter full-time ministerial profession
- Attending an LCMS school
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Pamela Ann Prevallet Hymn Writing Competition
Amount: $1,000 – $3,000- Deadline: August 1
- Open to current first, second and vicarage M.Div. students, and M.A. Deaconess studies students
- May submit 2 per year
- Applicant must submit an original hymn text to be used in ministry
- Hymn must have multiple stanzas and be rooted in biblical teaching
- Entries should be submitted to the Financial Aid office
September Deadlines
Ludwig and Lizette Fincke Endowment Fund
Amount: To be determined- Deadline: September 15
- Members of Zion Lutheran Church in Belleville, Ill., will be given priority
- M.Div. students with 3.5 GPA or above
- Strong academic background in exegetical, historical and systematic theology
- Application shall be unequivocally committed to and subscribe in writing to orthodox, biblical confessional doctrines of the LCMS and shall not subscribe to the ordination of homosexuals or women to the pastoral ministry
- Applicant shall submit a 20 page paper, either previously prepared for a seminary class or as a manuscript on an issue of contemporary interest to the church
- Essays will be submitted to the Financial Aid Office
November Deadlines
Florida-Georgia District LWML Scholarship
Amount: To be determined- Deadline: November 1
- Must be member of a congregation of the FL-GA, SELC, or English District in the states of Florida or Georgia
- Enrolled full time in a rostered church worker program
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