Concordia Seminary Newsroom
Join the Seminary’s mission this Giving Tuesday, Nov. 30
Help send pastors, deaconesses, missionaries to share the Gospel

Donors to the Seminary’s Giving Tuesday campaign have the special opportunity to double the impact of their gift – thanks to three donors who have already given, gifts will be matched dollar for dollar up to the first $35,000 raised toward a $70,000 goal.
Concordia Seminary is pleased to join in Giving Tuesday, a global day of giving that harnesses the collective power of individuals, communities and organizations to encourage philanthropy and to celebrate generosity worldwide.
“It is our unique privilege as Christians to give joyfully of what God has first given us,” said Vicki Biggs, senior vice president for Seminary Advancement. “Being part of the Giving Tuesday movement gives our friends a way to make a direct impact on the Seminary’s vital mission to prepare our church’s future leaders.”
Donors are encouraged to share their Giving Tuesday experience using #PrepareAPastor, #PrepareADeaconess and #GivingTuesday on social media to spread the word about the campaign.
To make a gift, please visit the Seminary’s Giving Tuesday page.
To learn more about the Seminary’s annual giving days, visit csl.edu/giving-days.
About Concordia Seminary
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit csl.edu.