May 22, 2024 Print This Article

Concordia Theology launches redesigned website

Site offers refreshed look, new article series, easier resource access

Concordia Theology, the blog site of the faculty of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis found at, now has a refreshed look with easier access to resources for pastors, teachers, lay theologians and congregations.

The newly redesigned site, managed by the Seminary’s Theological Research and Publication department, debuted last week.

“The redesigned site is far more than window dressing,” said Dr. Kevin Golden, associate professor of Exegetical Theology and dean of Theological Research and Publication. “Our readers will be able to quickly find the latest post for each of our two podcasts, articles from our faculty, links to Concordia Journal and information about upcoming Continuing Education events. Older posts also can be easily found along with access to the archives of Scholar, our institutional repository, and much more. Concordia Theology holds a wealth of resources, accessible with only a few clicks.”  

The updated site includes all the favorites of the old site including the popular Lectionary at Lunch+ for pastors and the podcasts “Tangible: Theology Learned and Lived” and “Lectionary Kick-Start.” It also includes two new series of articles: “Fly on the Wall” and “On My Nightstand.”

In the “Fly on the Wall” series, faculty share insights from a classroom discussion that was particularly beneficial, thus giving readers a “fly on the wall” view. “On My Nightstand” offers regularly occurring reflections from faculty who share what they are currently reading that is independent of course requirements.

As a production of the faculty of Concordia Seminary, provides resources and conversation from the confessional Lutheran Christian tradition. It provides a forum for open conversation between perspectives within that tradition, as well as other religious and theological perspectives, to cultivate a vigorous life of the mind in service to the Gospel.

The Concordia Theology website,, was introduced in 2010.

About Concordia Seminary

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis provides Gospel-centered graduate-level theological education for pastors, missionaries, deaconesses, scholars and other leaders in the name of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). To learn more, visit