Fifth Sunday in Lent
Fifth Sunday in Lent FIRST READING Eze. 37:1-14 PSALM Psalm 130 EPISTLE Rom. 8:1-11 GOSPEL John 11:1-45 (46-53) orJohn 11:17-27 (38-53) Color
Fifth Sunday in Lent FIRST READING Eze. 37:1-14 PSALM Psalm 130 EPISTLE Rom. 8:1-11 GOSPEL John 11:1-45 (46-53) orJohn 11:17-27 (38-53) Color
Worship Service Laudamus is a select choir of seminarians preparing for full-time service as pastors in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). Under the direction of Greg Gastler, interim choral director, the choir delights in proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through music. Each year, the choir schedules tours to LCMS schools, universities and churches throughout […]
Worship Service Laudamus is a select choir of seminarians preparing for full-time service as pastors in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). Under the direction of Greg Gastler, interim choral director, the choir delights in proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through music. Each year, the choir schedules tours to LCMS schools, universities and churches throughout […]
Palm Sunday (Sunday of the Passion) FIRST READING Is. 50:4-9a PSALM Psalm 118:19-29 orPsalm 31:9-16 EPISTLE Phil. 2:5–11 GOSPEL Matt. 26:1-27:66 orMatt. 27:11-66 orJohn 12:20-43 Color
Holy (Maundy) Thursday FIRST READING Ex. 24:3-11 orEx. 12:1-14 PSALM Psalm 116:12-19 EPISTLE Heb. 10:15-25 or1 Cor. 11:23-32 GOSPEL Matt. 26:17-30 orJohn 13:1-17, 31b-35 Color
Good Friday FIRST READING Is. 52:13—53:12 PSALM Psalm 22 orPsalm 31 EPISTLE Psalm 22 or Psalm 31 GOSPEL John 18:1—19:42 orJohn 19:17–30 Color
Easter Sunrise FIRST READING Ex. 14:10-15:1 PSALM Psalm 118:15-29 EPISTLE 1 Cor. 15:1-11 GOSPEL John 20:1–18 Easter Day FIRST READING Acts 10:34-43 orJer. 31:1-6 PSALM Psalm 16 EPISTLE Col. 3:1-4 GOSPEL Matt. 28:1-10 Color
Second Sunday of Easter FIRST READING Acts 5:29-42 PSALM Psalm 148 EPISTLE 1 Pet. 1:3-9 GOSPEL John 20:19–31 Color
Third Sunday of Easter FIRST READING Acts 2:14a, 36-41 PSALM Psalm 116:1-14 EPISTLE 1 Pet. 1:17-25 GOSPEL Luke 24:13-35 Color
American Kantorei singing J. S. Bach, “Halt im Gedaechtnis Jesum Christ" (BWV 67) within a Service of Choral Vespers
Assignment of Vicarages 3 p.m. (CDT) Service Folder (PDF) Assignment of Calls 7 p.m. (CDT) Service Folder (PDF) Call Day, an annual event, is the day when concluding students receive their first pastoral or diaconal ministry placements, and second-year students receive their vicarage or deaconess internship assignments. All calls and assignments for service are […]
Fourth Sunday of Easter FIRST READING Acts 2:42-47 PSALM Psalm 23 EPISTLE 1 Pet. 2:19-25 GOSPEL Luke 24:13-35 Color
Hope for the Church, Hope for the Future 1.5 and 2.0 Generation Immigrants First-generation or foreign-born immigrants and their children — the 1.5 and 2.0 generations — represent more than a quarter of the U.S. population. Who are the people behind the numbers? The 2023 Multiethnic Symposium plenaries and sectionals will help participants understand the […]
2023 Multi Asian Gathering May 3-4, 2023 The Multi Asian Gathering is a mission movement of Asian leaders (clergy and laity) to celebrate our unity and uniqueness in mission and ministry in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). Gathering from the 2022 Multi Asian Gathering. Photo: Davin Alberson The purpose of the Multi Asian Gathering […]